Saturday, July 24, 2010


just a sh0rt note 4 u... :)

Happy anniversary…

2 years kn0wing each 0ther..

Take care.. n get enough sleep… :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

st0ry telling

This st0ry was brought up during the CM discussion…. When I was in f0rm 3,, I had a teacher wh0 taught us Arabic Language f0r c0mmunicati0n… she had been teaching me since I was in f0rm 2 s0 she “probably” g0t t0 kn0w my classmates and I “better”..

S0 the st0ry g0es like this,, when we’re having the class with her, we were listening t0 her and maybe,, we did something that she didn’t like.. She started to shout and said that “kamu memang suka buat macam ni dekat saya kan” (u like to do this to me rite?? *direct translati0n*) and she she went 0ut fr0m the class,,, 0h g0sh.. “what have we d0ne?” asked 0ne 0f my best friend… I said that I didn’t have any idea 0f what had just happened..

Then we went t0 the teachers’ r00m “chased” her and asked f0r f0rgiveness.. and we t0ld her that we would n0t repeat the mistake that we’ve d0ne….but we didn’t kn0w 0ur fault…. ????

When we asked her,, she was just kept her mouth shut and let us w0ndered what we’d d0ne.. s0me 0f the “inn0cent” girls in my class were fighting with their tears…but I was in the “0ther w0rld” thinking why all of the sudden she’d became m00dy and mad at us??

I th0ught 0f our behaviour.. maybe because 0f the n0ise that we made in the class.. 0r the b00k that we didn’t submit… but,, hey that’s n0rmal 0kayh..and after a few days 0f drama she accepted the apologiessss and entered our class as usual.. alth0ugh I felt awkward but,, I tried to act n0rmal…

and that was the first time… when she did that f0r the sec0nd time and s0me 0f the girls (d0n’t think 0f me crying because that was imp0ssible f0r that scenari0) I felt fed-up… (have u feel it bef0re?? haha)

my classmates decided to seek f0r revenge!!! Hahaha that’s n0t true..

we went to the teachers’ room again and minta maaf AGAIN!!!... but n0w,, we decided to g0 there 0nce.. and gave her the time she “needed”… and after a few days,, the lessons went “awkward-n0rmal” (there’s n0 such w0rd..haha)

and it turned 0ut that 0nly 0ne student in my class g0t A f0r her subject….
i g0t C and i didn't blame her because it was my fault....

Maybe s0me 0f us thought that this subject wasn’t interesting anym0re.. as f0r me,, I find Arabic language is very interesting but I just didn’t like what the teacher had d0ne t0 me… I l0st my concentrati0n during her class…..duhhh,,, u can see

h0w teacher can give a big impact t0 the students…

err ,, I mean student like me… :(

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


What’s up with the date?? H0h0h0,,, 2 years ag0,, this was the date I stepped in my c0llege.. Alth0ugh during that time this c0llege was n0t as “beautiful” as it is n0w… (juz imagine 4 the well-equipped college :P )

Few weeks after the suffering orientati0n week with HEP,, I thought about the life in here and h0w I’m g0nna survive with that kind of environment.. well you kn0w,, I was in matriculation bef0re and the life in matriculation were much m0re happier than here.. with the better facilities,, including EN0UGH classes,, classes that are pr0vided with the LCD..and even the better lecture halls…

But, let’s be p0sitive I’ve been here f0r 2 years and I learned to adapt this culture…in fact I love my life no matter what situations I’ve faced in my life…. I l0ve my life and I thanked g0d f0r what I have, what I’ve g0t and what I will have and get..
This is the gr0up where I bel0ng t00 B ed. TESOL COHORT 2....

i was in the washr00m 2 thr0w out the excessive f00d intake... hahaha,,
but i'm still happy eventh0ugh i wasn't in the pic..happy 2 b with them.. :)

n I'm als0 bel0ng 2 the TESL family,,,(0r should I say it includes TESOL,,TEFL,,TEYL,, or whatever they called it)

tO aLL tes0L c0H0rt tw0, 3rd cYcLe,,


Sunday, July 11, 2010

karangan bahasa melayu..lalalalala~~

Berpisah di bangku sek0lah membuatkan ku tertanya-tanya ke mana pergi dirinya yg ku minati…

Hari ke hari aku menanti,, tetapi bayangnya tidak ku temui.. aku hampa,, tetapi tetap meneruskan perjalananku mengejar peperiksaan yg paling menakutkan di sek0lah…apakah aku tidak berasa sedeyh? 0wh itu tidak sama sekali kerana itu bukanlah sifatku yg mereka Nampak dari luaran.

Mungkin mereka tidak nmpak perasaan dsebalik diriku yg suka mengeluarkan kata2 kasar,,yg lebih senang berjalan dengan kumpulan lelaki,, lebih sesuai bermain bola kertas bersama kawan2 lelaki,, dan yg hampir didenda ketika bermain perang2 bersama lelaki yang mengakibatkan seorang perempuan menangis terpanah peluru kertas yang padu bersenjatakan sehelai getah..mungkinkah perwatakan yang seperti itu membuatkan diriku ini dipandang seperti 0rang yang tidak punya perasaan dan tidak berfikir jauh...

namun perspektif itu sama sekali jauh dari kenyataan diriku yang sebenar.. sering kelihatan berseluar pendek dan bertopi, didalam rumah hanyalah kerana pakaian itu tidak ku pakai sewaktu di luar rumah dan ia membantu dlam pergerakan yang lincah didalam rumahku itu...jika diluar,, sehelai tudung cukup menghalang rambut dari terkeluar dan berjurai-jurai,, topi yang ku pkai dalam rumah hanyalah utk memperkemas rambut terutamanya ketika aku sedang khusyuk menggosok pakaian,,makan dan mencuci pakian...

dirinya yang disana..walupun entah dimana,,tidakkah aku ingin bertanya perkabarannya? hati ini mahu tetapi kemudahan berkomunikasi spt facebook masih belum berada di kamus hidupku..

kemana dan dimana harus aku mencari dirinya…hati ini tidak keruan sebenarnya tetapi pabila hari mendatang mengajar erti perpisahan,, hidup ku teruskan dan dirinya mula ku tinggalkan…ia tidak bermakna aku melupakan… memang diriku ini seorang yang cepat bosan tetapi mereka yang pernah terpahat di sanubari ini insyaallah tidak akan dilupakan…

apakah dirinya baik selepas tamat alam yang bermakna menyeronokkan itu? Mungkin kerana dia pernah menjadi sumber inspirasi diri ini aku merasakan dia sentiasa bahagia menuju cita-citanya,,..

tahun-bartahun telah berlalu sehingga satu hari ketika melayari laman yang menjadi kegilaan aku,, aku ternampak dirinya dalam senarai menanti sebagai kenalan….

syukur ku panjatkan kpd yg maha esa kerana dirinya telah ku temui,, walupun dalam alam maya ,,, lebih mengejutkan pabila dirinya juga berada di bumi 0rang yang aku pijak ini… kami sama-sama berada diperantauan dan berbumbungkan cuaca yang sama kerana keinginan menimba ilmu meluaskan pengetahuan…hati ini riang tetapi bolehkah keadaan menjadi seperti dahulu?

Aku menanti saat ketemu.. Seribu kata untuk dikongsi.. seribu rahsia untuk diungkap..penceritaan hidup dua bersaudara…kuasa tuhan semoga berjumpa….

Kpd dirinya yang terbaca atau membaca,, ku ingin ketemu dirimu semula,, tapi malu la plak.. wuuh,, penat plak tulih mcm nie,,, tulih reflections senang ag… hahaha :P

perghhh,, what a l0ng p0st......

huhuhu,,my blog posts should be written in English to enhance the proficiency in English but,, i guess,, it should be okay for this p0st... 0kay la's my blog after all,, not theirs...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

kl0se vs carlisle

S0rry I didn’t have any idea what to write here.., there were plenty of ideas bef0re but when I almost finished wrapping up da story, I pressed the X butt0n and turned off my lappy…they weren’t g00d stories after all.. :)

Since we’re still in the w0rld cup fever and the twilight saga is entering our cinema,, I wanna talk about MY Miroslav Klose and MY Dr Carlisle Cullen. .. but b4 that,, th0usand apologies to MY Lampard, it’s n0t that I abandoned you but lemme talk ab0ut Kl0se 4 a while.. :)

0kayh… what I wanna talk ab0ut Kl0se and Carlisle is that they look alike… you don’t believe me??? Well these are some pictures of them showing that their faces look alike…pardon me if u feel that they are n0t alike.. It is just my opinion… siket2 je same pun jadilah.. :)

s0,, this is my Miroslav Kl0se,,, he's c00l n he's h0t.. cair2.. :)

fyi,, kl0se is a f00tballer and he's currently the Germany's striker....he sc0red 4 g0als in w0rld cup s0 far...(he will sc0re m0re during his last w0rld cup match 2m0r0 m0rning..believe me )

This is Dr Cullen....h0t..h0t...

he's c00l and he's h0t... lalalalala~~

carlisle.. :)

and again,, lemme tell u that carlisle is one of the Twilight's characters. His real name is Peter Facinelli.....scr0ll d0wn f0r his "real face"




Peter Facinelli

isn't he handsome en0ugh?? :P

0k,, back t0 my intenti0n in telling u that b0th Carlisle and Kl0se are alike...siket2 la...
lemme put thier face together...

Carlisle on theleft and Kl0se on the right

they look alike rite!!! see.. i t0ld ya.. ;)

0kayh,,that's it.. i need 2 sleep... g0nna watch Germany later..zzzzzZZzzz....