Tuesday, April 6, 2010

0h my g0d.. :)takdir tuhan yg indah sebenarnye..

u n0e, when i was in my f0undati0n year,
there was a c0mpetiti0n held in Dewan Ag0ng... (hall)
but unf0rtunately i was busied with da assigments and presentati0n and i didn't
g0 t0 watch the c0mpetiti0n.....

nak dijadikan cerita,,,

my f0ster was perf0rming that nite n i didn't n0e ab0ut dat and i wasn't able 2 watch her perf0rmance
n till n0w,, i haven't seen her playing vi0lin 0r even perf0rming on da stage... sedey...

i wasn't there :(

lebih setahun kemudian.......

my class, tes0l 2, ksed and mued are 0rganizing the Battle 0f da band
and juz n0w was the c0mpetiton f0r the unplugged and instrumental gr0up and t0m0r0w nite will be the c0mpetiti0n f0r the bands...

i was 0ne 0f da participants f0r t0nite and i played drum as it is my fav... (bru je blaja main..n dun have a chance 2 perf0rm b4) i played f0r the CHALKIES and i wasn't even g00d in playing da drum.. hahahha... malunye...

takdir telah menentukan...

when i was ab0ut 2 play, i realized that

my f0stee was n0t there and she didn't n0e ab0ut me (perf0rming 0n stage,, juz n0w)......hahahaha.... amik kau...

0kayh...that's what we called Takdir telah menentukan...

i wasn't able to see my f0ster's perf0rmance and my f0stee wasn't able t0 watch her f0ster's perf0rmance ...hahahha....

0kayh that's n0t funny but.. bila terkenang balik.. hahaha... bukan jangkauan manusia untuk menetukan sesuatu.......renung-renungkan...
:)..... ta~~


meen said...

u r in each other's heart, thats cool! :D

The Tearaway said...

jgn bace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i miss my f0ster.. :(

Ilyana Fauzy said...


The Tearaway said...

wah,, beliau muncul.. :)

Ilyana Fauzy said...
