Sunday, March 28, 2010

1st malay tongue twister by the ramshackle brain

this is the first p0st in Malay Language..... regarding the Malay t0ngue twister..
hahaha.... (stupid t0ngue twister by me)

btw,, this is n0t related t0 each and every0ne 0f u.. i repeat n0t related....

This is the thing....

walaupun aku x suka cakap yg aku mmg x ske kau tp aku tak suke cakap ape yg orang x suke.. aku taw ko x suke aku.. tp aku pun lupe nk cakp yg aku pun x suke kau.s0 mmg kita saling x suke tp susah nk ckp yg kita x suke kamu dgn orang yg kita x suka.. tak0t sakitkan ati 0rng kita x suka.. kita berdua mmg x suka sakit kan ati 0rng kita x suka... namun mcm mana nk cakap supaya yg x suka itu tetap menjadi tak suka..... dan tak sakitkan hati orang yg x suka kamu..

apenie???? (What the hell is this??)
hahaha... saya x suka bila saya ngant0k.... inilah hasilnya.......lalalala..... c0llapse... o-<

h0w many w0rd "x suka" have been repeated in the sentences???? c0unt them...
there are many 0ther malay t0ngue twister fr0m the ramshackle brain.... c u. :)