2day i'm g0nna tell u b0ut da tRip 2 ind0nesia...
it Happened duRing da last H0ls.. da tRip was called da
ProgRam Silang Budaya. It was 0Rganised by my Br0's sch00l..
where it inv0lved the paRticipati0n and supp0Rt fR0m da
PTA (PaRents Teacher Ass0sIAti0n) 0r PIBG... since my fatheR
is 0ne 0f the PTA membeRs, da sch00l invited him 2 g0 n da best
paRt was, the family 0f the PTA membeRs weRe als0 invited...
di pendekkan crita...pergilah kami ke Ind0nesie..fR0m 1st - 5th June 2009
That was da 1st tme i travelled by flight...huhuhu..suke..suke..
maklum la,, sy nie x penah nek kapal TeRbang.. tue yg mak cik bangge tue.. :D
We went 2 Bukit Tinggi and stayed theRe f0r 3 nights..
the weatheR thRe was ab0ut 24-29 degree Celcius and it was a lttle bit c0lder than
Penang, Melaka, NegeRi Sembilan dan kwasn2 yg sewaktu dgnnye..
Dat h0tel had NO,, i repeat NO,, air-c0nd 0r even a fan. it ws bc0z 0f da wetheR..
s0 we were happy staying thRe and weRe enj0ying 0uR vacati0n...
s0, ppl thRe called the w0rd sh0pping,, as "MEL0NTAr"...
melontaR wang and du8 i thinnkkk..
All the ibu ibu dan bapa bapa n guru guru were very bz with da
place to Mel0ntaR and da pRice that they 0ffeRed us.
The things dat were s0ld by the ppl there were the BLouses,,telekung,,
kain pelekat, key chains, n m0re 2 c0lthing stuff..
n the place that we visited weRe aR0und Bukit Tinggi,,
Padang,, PagaR Ruyung, pAdang and many 0theR palces which
i c0uldn't RemembeR..huhu..
heRe r s0me pix f0R u..
unf0rtunately ia dh terbakr.. skrg tgh wat baru..
(she is a teacher teaching da Account subject)
t0urist guide..his name is Subari.. wE called him Bari.. :D
banyak je crite lg and da places we had visited during 5 days there...
but if i'm writing it here..mesti nnt x ckup2..
k,, datz all... taaa~daaa~
but if i'm writing it here..mesti nnt x ckup2..
k,, datz all... taaa~daaa~